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CLIA Conference Sydney 2024

17 - 20 September 2024


CLIA Conference Sydney 2024

CLIA History

CLIA History

In 1988 the Clandestine Laboratory Investigators Association (CLIA) was officially formed and a Board of Directors was appointed. Each year a new location within the USA was selected to hold the conference.  In 1991 an association with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) commenced. The DEA was officially invited to participate on the Board of Directors.

In 1994 the CLIA went international. The Annual Conference was held in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and they had representatives in attendance from the United States, Canada, England, Holland, Belgium, Poland, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Columbia, Argentina, Thailand, and Australia.

In 1995, the Annual Conference returned to Las Vegas, Nevada and the first synthesis classes were held. CLIA has provided these classes every year since then so that officers and agents can see first hand how to manufacture the drugs they are investigating or get a jump on methods before they become a problem in their jurisdictions. This has proven to be an asset to officers and agents expertise and testimony, adding to their ability to successfully prosecute manufacturers of illegal drugs.

This year the event will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, between 9 - 13 September, 2024.

Click on the following link to see a detailed history.

NSWP Chemical Operations History

NSWP Chemical Operations History

In 1991 a unit known as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) commenced. A dedicated Strike Force was created within called 'Task Force 4'. They were responsible for Clandestine Laboratory Investigations and dismantling clandestine laboratories located within the state.

In 1994 Task Force 4 commenced a Chemical Diversion Desk to monitor the diversion of chemicals into illicit drug trade.

Around 1997 formal training was developed for police referred to as the ‘Clandestine Laboratory Investigation & Safety Course’. This 6 day course was developed to provide police with skills to recognise and dismantle clandestine laboratories.

In 1999 the squad was renamed to 'Drug Squad' and specialist training was provided to force entry at locations where suspected clandestine laboratories were located.

In 2000 the 'Chemical Operations Unit' was informally created and in 2003 the squad moved to the NSW Police Force Headquarters in Parramatta.

In 2008 the Chemical Operations Unit was formally recognised as a business unit.

In 2017 the Drug Squad merged with the Firearms Squad. Training and Education continued to be an integral part of the command structure.

In 2021 the Chemical Operations Unit commenced the Region Responders Course. The objective of this 5 day course was to train police in regional areas of NSW with the skills to provide initial treatment, and the ability to render safe an active clandestine laboratory.     

In 2024 the Chemical Operations Unit will run two Region Responders Courses as well as a refresher course, the Clandestine Laboratory Investigation & Safety Course, and host CLIA. The unit is also on track to respond to well over 100 Clandestine Laboratory responses within the state this year.

Current Date

Current Date

The Chemical Operations Unit includes criminal investigators with specialist capability in chemicals, drug manufacture, HME manufacture, the handling of chemicals and the appropriate use of high-level PPE. This unit can safely enter hazardous environments to mitigate hazards, investigate crime scenes, dismantle equipment and safely store and manage exhibits of clandestine laboratories. Chemical Operations can also be used for other incidents where chemicals/drugs have created a hazardous environment. This includes any confirmed detections of Fentanyl type substances.

Chemical Operations staff are scheduled to attend both domestic and international courses in 2024. 



Chem Ops 

Countdown to the Australasian Clandestine Laboratory Conference Sydney 2024





Amare Safety

No Birds






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